The 2020 El Dabe Ritter Scholarship Winner

Amir Wright - El Dabe Ritter Trial Lawyers Scholarship Winner-001All of us at El Dabe Ritter Trial Lawyers are pleased to announce the winner of the 2020 El Dabe Ritter Scholarship: Amir Wright who will attend Stanford Law School the Fall 2020 Semester.

Speaking on his plans for Law School and after, Mr. Wright said, “During law school, I hope to be involved in my community, both on and off the campus. This means getting involved in BLSA (Black Law Students Association), and participating in clinics focused on civil rights and housing accessibility. The Levin Center is ideal to challenge my own assumptions and become a better advocate. Through the East Palo Alto Clinic, I could find ways to bridge theory with practice and make an impact on Palo Alto and its residents. Bolstered by its commitment to student-led pro bono projects and social justice, I can deepen my understanding of the issues driving homelessness, designing my own housing initiatives from the ground up.

After graduation, I plan to pursue a career in government and policy. In my political experiences thus far, I have found strength and satisfaction in the work. I have been elevated to positions I never thought attainable or possible at my age. The ultimate way in which I might prepare myself for a future of effective service is the pursuit of a Juris Doctorate. This approach would make me an awesome force of change, bestowing upon me the unique abilities and perspectives that can only be gained from a rigorous law program. With legal training and my background, I would dispense what I learned in my program to become a masterful advocate for the issues that affect my community. I will acquire skills ranging from statistical analysis and policy writing to structuring arguments and the formation of winning cases in order to bring sweeping change to the people that need to see a change in their lives. I will take that information and actualize it into a piece of legislation or policy. I will sharpen the skills needed to argue for the passage of the policy recommendation I put forward. With a law degree, I can synthesize the knowledge gained from a breadth of experience and explore truly groundbreaking and radical solutions to today’s most prevalent issues. This is the career I look forward to fostering after graduation, creating policies that lift our people out of poverty, that give tax breaks to the single mother, that ensure our people are actually able to show up to the polls on election day. In the end, it’s about giving back to the community at the highest level.

We wish to congratulate Mr. Wright and look forward to watching him grow and advance in his legal career.