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Jonathan Ritter

Jonathan Ritter

Founder / Partner / Attorney

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Top Reviewed Lawyer in Los Angeles by Results and Service

in Los Angeles and I deal a lot with bad drivers and situations with insurance companies. They handle the insurance claim for me. The settlement was way bigger than expected. I was very happy with the responsiveness and Jon and the ultimate result. Definitely would recommend them to my buddies if they are ever in need of a serious down to business firm.

Saac H.

Los Angeles, California

Areas of Practice

  • 100% Personal Injury – Automobile Accidents

Litigation Percentage

  • 100% of Practice Devoted to Litigation


  • UWLA Graduate

Honors and Awards

Professional Associations & Memberships

  • Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles


  • English (Primary)


Jonathan was born in and is still a resident of Los Angeles.  At 16 years old, he tested out of high school and continued to excel by testing out of college and starting law school at the young age of 20.  By the age of 23, he graduated cum laude from UWLA law school, was selected for the Dean’s List, and then passed the bar on the first try.

Aside from being a quick learner throughout his life, Jonathan has a sincere interest in helping individuals who are powerless in a system where power and money seem to have the upper hand.  Jonathan knew that he wanted to focus his career on one thing:  helping injured persons defend themselves against large insurance companies.  From his very first legal job through today, Jonathan has worked only for injured parties.

Following an extensive work record with two prestigious law firms, Jonathan had acquired more than enough experience to found his firm, Ritter Law, in downtown Los Angeles, in 2011.  His firm quickly grew in size, as did his reputation as an expert litigator specializing in brain and spinal injuries who obtains substantial recoveries for his clients.  Jonathan then met a lawyer that shared his passion for representing the “little guy” against large insurance corporations, S. Edmond El Dabe.  Through the years, Edmond and Jonathan have collaborated on a variety of high profile cases and obtained millions of dollars for their clients.

El Dabe | Ritter

After such joint success, they both realized that they could serve the community better as a team, and thus Ritter Law and El Dabe Ritter Trial Lawyers decided to join forces.  Now as partners, their firms have more than 30 years’ combined legal experience, along with a supporting legal team of eleven attorneys and staff that can handle serious injury cases against any size opponent.

Jonathan has obtained tens of millions of dollars for his clients in a wide variety of cases, including catastrophic injuries, amputations, burns, permanent nerve injuries, complex regional pain syndrome, spinal injuries, shoulder injuries, knee injuries, dog bites, motorcycle accidents, construction accidents, and pedestrian injuries.

Jonathan also devotes his time, pro bono, to nonprofit organizations that help advocate for patients’ rights against discrimination.

Call us today at (213) 985-1120 for a consultation.

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